…and you can get started in voice over right now!
Have you always wanted to be a voice over talent? Are you an actor who wants to add voice over to your on-camera and on-stage skills? Learn what it takes to create a satisfying, professional and profitable voice over career, via our online video class…absolutely free:
Getting Started In Voice Over class
Discover VO2GoGo’s September 2019 Pro VO training classes.
Each month, three new online video classes, plus a bonus live workout sessions, are offered as part of the 36-class full VO2GoGo Pro curriculum, covering the art, commerce and science of VO. Click to visit our live classes page for dates, times and locations, or click on any of the classes below:

In a world…where one VO talent…will survive and thrive. Movie trailers, TV promos, sizzle reels, web previews and other spotlight products can be found promoting every category of performance. And it’s not just the exclusive bastion of men any longer. Get both theoretical and practical work in the world of promos and trailers.

The business to business and training market is calling you. Training videos, website how-to’s, software installation, management and industrial process training are but a few of the products in this category, and the marketplace for these types of VO work span both union, non-union, domestic and international boundaries.

Click, tweet, email, like, plus and link your way to VO success. While reels, zed cards, cassettes, mailers, business cards and CDs had their day as ways for VO artists to connect with their clients, today’s marketing materials are often not physical at all – but rather ways to connect and market online. As social networks come and go, you’ll be able to master each one as a VO megaphone.

After you view these classes online, each month there is a choice of live workout sessions, where there is discussion about the month’s class material, and a question and answer period with the instructor. Then, attendees who have reserved Participant seats get up on mic, and work on various forms of VO copy, directed and adjusted by the instructor. MP3 recordings are sent to them via email.

“This is the best voice over training, ever.”
Inside you, there is a brilliant VO artist. Set it free, with VO2GoGo’s award-winning voiceover training and support.
Meet your instructors.

Here’s how VO2GoGo works.
Our goal is to give you the very best, most comprehensive voiceover training and help you create a satisfying, profitable VO career.
And we give you lots of ways to learn: in live classes, on video, via audio and in online classes that are fun and engaging, no matter where you are in your journey.
Working on-camera and wanting to add VO to your portfolio? You’re exactly where you need to be. The VO2GoGo curriculum is designed to complement the mad skills you already have on-camera, on stage and on commercials sets. We preach from the same pulpit as your favorite acting classes.
Already a working VO artist, looking for additional opportunities? Let us help you fill in the gaps of the skills, tech and business you may have heard about, but haven’t explored, like audiobooks and IVR. Pick and choose the classes that will fill in those knowledge gaps.
Just getting started and need pretty much everything? We can take you from zero to VO hero, teaching you voiceover skills in various VO categories, as well as the technology you need to audition and work, and up to the minute business skills you need to succeed.
You can come to any class you want, in-person in Hollywood, Burbank, Miami and as a live webinar, or anytime, 24/7/365, online here on the site. Just head on over to our VO2GoGo Classes page and sign up for the next available class.
Want to save money? If you’re planning on really immersing yourself in the VO2GoGo curriculum, we suggest you join the VO2GoGo Pro or ProPlus programs. For one low monthly subscription (that is $50 less than classes alone), you get your choice of live classes, the video classes for that month, the audio classes for that month, the online classes for that month and discounts and special privileges here on the site. You become a member of the inner circle of our VO2GoGo family, and you get unparalleled support. Watch this video for what a Pro member has to say about going Pro:
All we think about is how to make you successful. Go Pro today. And get working in voiceover faster than you ever thought possible.
GeekSpeak® is a registered trademark of VO2GoGo, Inc.
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