What is this site all about?
VO2GoGo is the creation of David H. Lawrence XVII, a veteran actor and VO talent, and is a one-stop shop for everything you need to be a successful voice over performer. We teach VO from the ground up, helping you create a satisfying and profitable voice over practice, giving you expertise in three areas: the art, commerce and science of voice over:
- The Art (performance skills): you’ll learn how to voice commercials, animation, videogames, narration, audiobooks, IVR and more, so you’re experienced and ready when you get an audition or a booking.
- The Commerce (business skills): you’ll learn how to market yourself, manage clients and projects, find representation and more, so you understand the current VO business climate and how to take advantage of it.
- The Science (digital/technical skills): you’ll learn how to master your microphone, how to record with audio software, how to create auditions and finished products and more, so you can make quick work of audiobooks, auditions, and other works, and do so with confidence that you’re turning out high quality sound.
- Classes and workouts: find out what VO classes are available in the VO2GoGo curriculum and the locations of our live in-person and online workouts.
- Demo production information: schedule a demo session in LA or via the internet, and learn the secrets of what goes into a world class voiceover demo.
- Home and portable studio gear: get details on what you need and where to find the best prices on inexpensive, high quality microphones and sound editing software.
- Questions and answers: like its sister site, actinganswers.com, VO2GoGo.com provides answers to questions asked about the voiceover industry. You can also subscribe to the 60 SECONDS newsletter for the latest tactics and strategies in the world of voice over.
- Industry resources: find studios near you that provide inexpensive audition and submission time, online and brick and mortar stores that carry accessories and supplies and more.
- Client demos and profile pages: listen to the sound of the clients that David has assisted in the creation of their demos and demo portfolios.
VO2GoGo.com has several different areas you can explore:
Who’s your host?
VO2GoGo.com was created and is maintained by David H. Lawrence, XVII (and you can read more about him here). You can always ask for info, help or support from David at davidlawrence@gmail.com or by calling 818-326-7700.
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