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Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 9

Hey there!

I love teaching VO talent about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 9… Continue Reading →


Audition Psychology 101? It’s Back in LA! This Saturday (9/16)

Hey there!

If you’re in Southern California (or can get here), clear your schedule for this Saturday afternoon. You’ll thank me for doing so.

On-camera, VO, commercials, theatre…we find ourselves as performers being asked to open our little suitcases and show the buyers our wares.

Auditioning can be the most stressful actions we’re asked to take. I watch people sweat bullets in the waiting room, and, when asked how I approach auditioning, always have the same piece of powerful advice.

“Just listen to what Michael Kostroff has to say about it.”

Want to know what this amazing actor has to say about it? Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 8

Hey there!

There’s nothing more exciting to me than to talk about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 8… Continue Reading →


How to look busy at your survival job

Hey, there!

OK, so today’s post has little to do with the sometimes lonely, solitary existence we have when we’re sitting in our home studios, cranking out the auditions and work.

But some of us are still toiling away at a day job, yearning for the day that we can tell them, “Adios – I’m doing VO full time now!”

Until that day, that survival paycheck is crucial. And since Seinfeld is one of my fave shows, and George was the master at looking useful and busy, I thought I’d take a short detour from the VO tips and advice, and present to you (mostly because when I read it on Quora it made me snort my Doubleshot painfully thorough my nose as I laughed out loud):

George Costanza’s 10 Commendments for “Working Hard” (Even When You’re Not): Continue Reading →


So, How Does ADR Actually Work?

Hey, there!

Short and sweet today.

I got a note from one of my lovely VO2GoGO Pro members, Donya, who asked a simple question about an area of voice over work she’d heard me talk about in the Getting Started class.

New to the VO industry (she’s only been studying with me for a couple of months), she asked, “What exactly is ADR?”

Some of you may know that I have a separate site where I answer acting-related questions.

The answer to her question is here: Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 7

Hey there!

I just love talking about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 7… Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 6

Hey there!

Start me talking about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills…and it’s hard for me to stop talking about it.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 6… Continue Reading →