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Helping A Bona Fide Genius With His Audiobook Narration Skills

Hey, there!

Recently, I appeared on The Self-Publishing Podcast, a show about self-publishing for writers, and I had the opportunity to come face to face with a bona fide genius.

And here he was, in need of some help with his AT2020 USB Plus microphone. So I helped him.

He also had some issues around his performance skills in narrating his own work. So we did a little session to help him. And here’s the video of that. Continue Reading →


Helping A Bona Fide Genius With His Microphone

Hey, there!

Recently, I appeared on The Self-Publishing Podcast, a show about self-publishing for writers, and I had the opportunity to come face to face with a bona fide genius.

And here he was, in need of some help with his AT2020 USB Plus microphone.

I’m always happy to help a genius, especially with something that you probably have had to deal with yourself. Here’s what was wrong, and how we fixed it. Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 5

Hey there!

I love to talk about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 5… Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 4

Hey there!

Go ahead…ask me about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 4… Continue Reading →