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Great sound intake

Hey, there!

I was over on LinkedIn the other day, and Tiffany posted this question in a VO group I’m in there:

Does anyone have a recommendation for laptop w/ great sound intake? Not looking for a mac just pc……

Puzzled at the phrasing of the question, I tried to help. And this is what I said. Continue Reading →


Beyond Voice Over: How Your Voice Can Ruin Opportunity

Hey, there!

I’m hoping that what you learn from me about how to use your voice to create a profitable and satisfying VO career can be used in other areas of your life.

But using your voice incorrectly in everyday life can be devastating. And here’s a prime example.

You may be destroying your chances at business success in life, just by the way you speak.

Fast Company published an article recently, describing 4 different speech patterns you need to get rid of if you want to succeed in business.

And you can thank Kim Kardashian for at least one of them. Continue Reading →


Having Problems With Windows, Audacity And Your USB Mike?

Hey, there!

My friend and client, Brian Selke, is one of the best Windows techs I know.

(He’s actually teaching a class on how to stay safe as a Windows user…more details soon.)

He ran into some issues getting his AT-2020 USB Plus and Audacity to record cleanly and smoothly on his then-new Windows laptop, and as usual, he wouldn’t rest until he figure it all out.

If you’re having issues getting your mike and software to play nicely, this article is going to be very helpful. Continue Reading →


Check Your Home Router For This Vulnerability NOW

Hey, there!

As part of the Science category of what we teach in the VO2GoGo curriculum, I want you to be use best practices when using technology – and that means being aware of and keeping yourself protected from attempts to compromise your system.

Today, I want you to know about and test your system to see if you’re subject to a particularly nasty security hole in your home internet system’s router. And it couldn’t be more simple to do – no tech savviness needed at all. Here’s the skinny – and I’d do it NOW. Continue Reading →


Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling – Rule 2

Hey there!

I love talking about about storytelling, and how important it is to your VO career to develop and hone your storytelling skills.

It’s essential.

So, every so often, I like to roll out items from this list from Emma Coats, who used to work at Pixar as a story artist, and who serially tweeted Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling.

I’m giving you one of these rules every so often as we move through the next several months, along with how you can apply the rule to your VO artistry.

Today, Rule 2… Continue Reading →