Hey, there!
My buddy, Kristine Oller, is amazing.
She shared a video that gives VO actors hope, even when things get totally and completely screwed up. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
My buddy, Kristine Oller, is amazing.
She shared a video that gives VO actors hope, even when things get totally and completely screwed up. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
The pressure was intense. And I finally caved.
The official VO2GoGo Mike Sock is now available to the general public. That means you, darling. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
Trev here — VO2GoGo instructor for the monthly intensives in Hollywood.
Today, I’d like to share 3 “mindset” books that have informed and shaped my approach to creative work in huge ways. Books full of lessons, tools, and new language to wrap around age-old concepts. Books that bring clarity to that often foggy intersection of creativity and business—especially voiceover. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
One of my remote ProPlus clients, Lee (who is, by the way, absolutely killing it in DC, taking to VO like a duck to water – every month, he’s taking the video VO classes, sending in the work to me for review, we chat and he’s chugging right along) had a problem. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
If you’ve ever heard me talk about how important understanding the business side of VO is to our success, you know how passionate I am about it.
Apparently, I’m not the only passionate advocate of acquiring a clear understanding of our business.
Matt thinks so too. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
You know how I harp in class about being a story teller. Always.
Here’s why. Continue Reading →
Hey, there!
Are you suffering from audition fatigue?
I asked that of members of a SXSW audience recently. A lot of them didn’t know what it was right away, but it’s such a descriptive phrase that a lot of hands shot up.
It’s true. Continue Reading →